Academy collaboration inspires the next generation of artists
Aiden Lucas
/ Categories: Academy News

Academy collaboration inspires the next generation of artists

This week our Academy was delighted to welcome our friends, Emma and Alister, art and design lecturers from our partner post-16 provider Priestley College, Warrington, to deliver two workshops exploring A Level art, textiles and architecture courses after school. There were many engaging tasks for students to participate in throughout, from the constriction of a paper garments to developing 3D architectural models. 

These workshops explored the links between architecture and fashion and  the use of triangles within these areas to create sculptural and structured forms. In the architecture workshop, our Year 11 students created a geodesic dome as a team, working against the clock to see how fast they could assemble the structure. The fashion and textiles workshop provided the opportunity for students to experiment by creating different manipulated shapes using paper triangles, which they then assembled into exciting compositions and forms on mannequins.

The workshops aimed to inspire students and future aspirations at further education within the Arts. It was great to give our budding artists the opportunity for them to chat to lecturers from industry, create links with their local college and to be able to talk about what’s on offer at FE and college student life.

Cassie D one of our student's spoke of her experience. Cassie said "I really enjoyed the workshops. It was amazing to have the opportunity to gain more of an insight into college courses and college life . The lecturers were so lovely and supportive and now I am definitely thinking of attending Priestley in September."

Helen Colquitt, curriculum leader of the arts said “I would like to thank Priestley College for arranging such inspirational workshops and giving our students an insight into subjects and career paths within art and design after they leave the academy. The workshops were a great success, with us all taking something away from it that will benefit our work this year and in the future. 

“We are looking forward to continuing our links with the College and Art Department within the academic year with more projects and even visits on campus to add value to all of the hard work and development of our students.”


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