We are proud of our commitment to deliver outstanding Education with Character. We aim to develop character, compassion, and service. Throughout their time at Irlam and Cadishead Academy, students are expected to contribute to our school community and to society. We want students to try things they cannot do, to persist in the face of difficulty, and to become resilient in overcoming obstacles.
ASPIRE, Our Co-Curricular Programme
We provide a wide range of opportunities and experiences that seek to help our students become confident, well-rounded, and aspiring individuals. Our curriculum and co-curricular programmes are overflowing with opportunities to try something new and develop new skills. Students are encouraged to choose from a wide range of over 60 school clubs which take place at lunch times and after school - there is something for everyone!
As part of our whole school initiative to provide a rich and varied curriculum to all students, we encourage all students to participate in at least one after-school or lunchtime activity per week earning themselves credits towards certificates and badges along the way. Additionally, taking part in clubs will help students make new friends and build key life skills like teamwork and resilience whilst having a lot of fun. These skills and experiences will make our students ‘stand out from the crowd’ when applying for college and university too.
For more information, email rebecca.evans@irlamandcadishead.org.uk
See our latest co-curricular clubs.
Visits and Enrichment
In addition to our broad range of co-curricular clubs, our students enjoy trips across the country, university visits, talks by inspirational speakers from the worlds of medicine, law, and business as well as countless opportunities to collaborate with their peers at other United Learning schools.
Student Leadership
We believe that well-rounded students make a highly positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school and wider community. Our student leadership team is elected democratically through a process of elections at the beginning of the academic year. The student leadership team has supported a wide range of activities key to ensuring that students' views are sought and drawn upon in decisions relevant to their own experience of school. This group of young people is articulate, enthusiastic, aspirational for themselves and others.

Irlam and Cadishead Academy is dedicated to ensuring our students have meaningful encounters at school which prepare them for their working lives. Careers education is delivered across all subject areas as well as PSHE. In addition, we offer a range of activities and experiences which aim to give our students a full understanding of post-16 opportunities.
These include:
Form time activities | Enrichment days | Careers fairs | University visits | Mock interviews | College visits | Employer encounters | Mentoring programmes | Inspirational guest speakers | Presentations from colleges/apprenticeship providers/employers | Work experience.
We have a designated careers department with a full time qualified L6 Careers Adviser and Senior Leader for Careers.