
The purpose of the maths curriculum is to provide a secure understanding of mathematical concepts, from basic principles of mathematics to complex topics that combine several areas of study into a single question. The curriculum promotes retention of knowledge and a depth of learning rather than an accelerated curriculum, resulting in pupils who are confident in taking their studies further into sixth form, university and beyond.

The national curriculum states ‘Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas.’ Therefore, the intention for mathematics is to ensure that all pupils become fluent, reason mathematically and solve problems. At Irlam and Cadishead Academy, we teach our children how to make sense of the world around them by developing their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. We want our children to recognise and understand relationships and patterns in numbers in the world around them. We expect Mathematics to be utilised as a tool beyond the daily Mathematics lessons and beyond the classroom.

Detailed Maths Curriculum Intent

KS3 Mathematics

KS4 Mathematics

Careers in Mathematics

It can be difficult to see how your school subjects relate to future jobs. However, when you make your Options choices in Year 9, it can influence and determine your career pathway, and the choices you make in the next stages of your education.

Should you wish to explore careers in Maths further, here are some interesting websites to help your research:

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