'Respect Me' Tour Comes to ICA
Earlier this week, 'Respect Me' (an organisation that helps to inform, equip and empower ourstudents to make healthy choices around Self Esteem and Relationships) came to ICA to raise awareness around some really important topics. RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) is now a compulsory part of secondary education.
'Respect Me' delivered a series of engaging and inspirational presentations that included games, activities, and personal stories of hope, all the while presenting serious and important messages that help raise awareness. Our mission is to create a safe space for any student here at ICA.
Year Seven worked through the topic of 'Self Esteem', Year 9 explored 'Relationships and Sex', Year 10 explored 'Positive Relationships' and 'Respect Me' covered and raised the awareness of 'Sexting'.
It was a great day full of learning here at ICA.